Fire Safety

Special Conditions of Hire to comply with the Public Entertainment Licence issued under the Local Government (miscellaneous provisions) Act 1986 incorporating requirements of the Fire Safety (Reform) Regulation effective from October 2006


(The complete Public Entertainment Licence for the Premises is available on request.)


1. The hirer, not being a person under 25 years of age, hereby accepts responsibility for being in charge of, and on the premises at all times when the public are present, and for ensuring that all conditions of the Public Entertainment Licence relating to the management and supervision of the premises are met.


2. At functions for which there is a bar and music there shall, in addition to the hirer, be a minimum of 3 competent attendants on duty on the premises to assist people entering and leaving, none of whom shall be less than 18 years of age. If most of those on the premises are under 16 years of age, the number of attendants shall be no less that 5. All persons on duty shall be aware of their essential responsibilities in regard to the law concerning the consumption of alcohol and action in the event of fire or other emergencies, including attention to disabled people.


3. For regular bookings not involving a bar or consumption of alcohol there shall be a ratio of one competent attendant in addition to the hirer for every 40 persons present. If most of those on the premises are under 16 years of age the ratio shall be no less than 1:20 in addition to the hirer or approved group leader.


4. Capacity


4.1 Main Hall


  • The number of people closely seated for stage performances shall not exceed 200. (The maximum number of main hall chairs available within the hire charge is 200)

  • The maximum number of people seated at tables on the main floor is 160. (20 folding tables x 8 persons per table)

  • The maximum number of people seated at tables with dancing is 104. (Based on approximately 1/3 of the floor area being available for dancing)

It is important that at all times central and side gangways to enable free passage in the event of emergency are maintained.


4.2 Harry Hunt Room


  • The number of people closely seated for a meeting/presentation shall not exceed 80.

  • The maximum number of people seated at tables shall not exceed 40.

​ 9 square wooden tables x 4 persons per table are available and included in the hire of this room)

It is important that at all times there is clear gangway to enable free passage to both the entrance doors to the room and the fire exit.


4.3 The Meeting Room (Upstairs)


  To seat a maximum of 20 people.


4.4 The Youth Wing


When used as an adult meeting venue the number of people closely seated shall not exceed 50.

It is important that at all times there is clear gangway to enable free passage to both the front entrance door and the fire door at the rear.


In all instances the numbers are to include all presenters, attendants and helpers and as permitted in the Public Entertainment Licence granted in respect of the premises.


5. Performances involving danger to the public shall not be given.


6. Uses


No exhibition, demonstration, or performance of hypnotism shall be permitted on the premises. No known prostitute or person in a state of intoxication shall be permitted to enter or remain on the premises. Nothing shall be acted, represented, recited or sung of a profane, licentious, obscene or indecent character.


7. Hours of Opening


The Premises shall not be used for public entertainment except between the hours of 9.00 am and 12.30 pm unless special permission has been issued by Melton Mowbray Borough Council and by the Management Committee.


In pursuit of the Fire Safety (Reform) Regulation the following forms part of the Hire Agreement:


8. The hirer must be in possession of and understand the building plan which identifies the fire exits, alarm call button positions and the position and types of fire extinguishers available.


9. The hirer must read and understand:

  • The statement in the Entrance Hall of the action to be taken in the event of a fire.

  • The generic ‘Risk Assessments’ prepared for the building in compliance with the Fire (Reform) Regulation


10. The hirer needs to make the following checks before and after each hire session:

  • That fire escape routes are clear of obstruction and can be safely used.

  • That all fire exit doors can be opened by people needing to evacuate the building. Doors must not be wedged open.

  • That there are no obvious fire hazards on the premises.


11. The hirer needs to make sure that during each hire session:

  • A means of calling the emergency services is available and essential contact numbers are known.

  • All means of exit from the premises are kept free from obstruction and immediately available for safe evacuation.

  • All people within their charge (guests and visitors) may be accounted for in the event of an evacuation of the premises.


12. The following restrictions must be observed:

  • Highly flammable substances shall not be brought into, or used in any part of the premises.

  • No internal decorations of combustible nature (e.g. polystyrene, cotton wool) shall be erected without a risk assessment and the consent of the Management Committee.

  • No unauthorised heating appliances shall be used on the premises when open to the public without the consent of the Management Committee.

Fire Safety

In the event of Fire go immediately to a clearly marked Fire Exit.

You may be directed to a safe exit by your club or organisation leader or helper.

If the electricity supply fails there is battery operated emergency lighting to assist your safe exit.


The Fire Extinguishers may be used by anyone finding a small fire to extinguish or reduce the speed of spreading and giving greater opportunity for sate exit BUT only to be used by a competent operator when the fire is small enough to do so safely. Close all internal fire doors after section evacuation.

When outside go to the Fire Assembly Point which is on the boundary between the Hall and Playing Field near the road access gate and give your name to your leader/helper for roll call.


It is in your interest to study the plan diagram of the premises (which is posted in various parts of the building) for Fire Exits and familiarise yourself with them when in the building.

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